C'est tout le système solaire qui a toujours ascensionné en spirale dans le cosmos.
Une analogie à établir avec la molécule d'ADN en forme de spirale appelée encore le Serpent Cosmiquequi révèle l'infini ou notre éternité.
L’ADN étant formé de deux brins complémentaires enroulés en hélice (double hélice) et si l'on considère que la Terre est l'une des parties des deux brins de la double hélice, dans l'Univers où tout est électrique et où tout fonctionne par paire en fonction des deux polarités (mâle = Le Père et femelle = La Mère), c'est que la Terre tout comme nous, a son double dans l'éther ou dans un Univers parallèle, et ce qui valide la théorie des Univers Gémellaires de Jean-Pierre PETIT.
L'ascension consiste à retrouver notre double et à l'intégrer pour recréer l'Unité et mettre un terme à la dualité ou à l'illusion de la séparation d'avec notre Double Cosmique, ou Âme Divine ou Corps Divin ou Christique.
Ci-dessous, une excellente démonstration visuelle d'une nouvelle vision "ascendante" en spirale de la Terre et des planètes.
La vision plate et plane de la révolution de la terre et de tout le système autour du Soleil.
C'est toute la conscience humaine qui en prend un "bon" coup cette fois-ci.
Les maîtres du Monde nous font tourner en rond depuis des milléniums.
Il est temps de réaliser que nous ascensionnons en spirale.
Fini les révolutions, vive l'évolution.
La Terre ne tourne pas autour du Soleil, elle spirale !
Comment évoluent la Terre et les planètes, en spirale et en images

Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun in the way we were taught More to do with Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth series. Here we find an understanding of Why the Earth & our solar system do not actually orbit the Sun as taught, "Rather", We follow or better still, are dragged by the Sun in a Spiral Pattern through the universe & time.
This video offers explanations how, besides spinning on its axis and rotating as if going 'Around' the Sun, the Earth is shown to 'Follow' the Sun's movement through the Milky Way galaxy, in a continuous Spiral, not a Flat elliptical plane, thus we find a 3D universe as opposed to the accepted 2D.
** Believe it or not, there is no empirical evidence that the Earth actually orbits the sun ! **
This compilation of videos runs thus:
"The solar system's motion thru space by The Resonance Project / Nassim Haramein"
This simple animation was created by Nassim Haramein and The Resonance Project Foundation
This is a video clip that every human should see.
Many of us have been taught about how the solar system works by viewing a physical model that has the sun in the middle with the planets going around and around in a simple circular orbit without properly accounting for the motion of the sun (aprox. 450,000 miles per hour).
Because the both sun and the galaxy are moving through space, the Earth spirals an incredible distance through space in a year's time. How far the Earth moves depends on the reference point you are using for something "stationary" or "background" even though all objects in the universe are in motion.
The Earth rotates at 0-1040 mi/hr (depends on latitude)
The Earth orbits the sun at aprox. 66,629 mi/hr
The sun orbits the galactic centre at aprox. 447,000 mi/hr
In just considering how fast the sun is moving, we know the Earth travels at least 3,918,402,000 miles in a years time! (as it also orbits around the sun)
Total speed of the Earth moving through space is difficult to approximate do to the combination of motions.
Using Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation it is estimated the total motion of the Earth through space is aprox. 1,342,000 mi/hr
Or 11,763,972,000 miles in 1 year!
(which is still only 0.2% the speed of light!)
The old model might make one picture being back where you started after a year of time has past, when in fact, you are over 11 BILLION miles from where you were a year ago!
I hope this video helps people to visualize what the motion of the Earth in our solar system looks like.
"Nassim Haramein describing the limitations of the 2D solar system image, and how our evolution imprints space time. Except from the film 'Earth Pilgrims'
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